132 - Tutorial: Thorin Oakenshield!

Mae govannen, mellon nín! Welcome to another tutorial my friends. And finally, for the thirteenth (and last) dwarf we will paint the chief of our Company, Thorin Oakenshield himself. Up until now these are the already painted dwarves: Oin | Gloin | Fili | Kili | Bifur | Bofur | Bombur | Ori | Dori | Nori | Dwalin | Balin Luckily, I managed to get two miniatures of Thorin, so I painted both Thorin with the Oakenshield and with the Orcrist (the sword discovered on the Trolls den, just like Gandald's Glamdring and Bilbo's Sting ). Who is Thorin Oakenshield? Assembled and unprimed miniatures of Thorin Oakenshield (both poses). " Dwarf king-in-exile. Born in 2746 of the Third Age in the Kingdom under the Mountain, Thorin was the grandson of King Thrór. In 2770, all the Dwarves of Erebor were driven out by Smaug the Dragon. In 2790, his grandfathe...