Number 28: Haldir! So, my progress on the highlights continues in a slow pace, but with satisfying results :) Here's how I painted Haldir: Basecoat - Grey ; Down Mail Coat - Gehenna's gold base followed by a Vallejo Sepia Shade Wash. Then I went for a mix of Gehenna's Gold and Ironbreaker and applied it to the edges of the mail; Upper Armour and Shirt - The middle part of the armour I first based it with AP(Army Painter) Dragon Red. Then I applied a wash with Vallejo Umber Shade and the highlights on AP Pure Red. Finished with that, comes the rest of the Armour. A base of VMC (Vallejo Model Color) Old Gold will be just perfect. Then a wash comes with the mixing of Vallejo Green and Black shade and washes. This gave the armour the tone I wanted. After the wash, comes the highlights. I mixed VMC Old Gold and Citadel Ironbreaker to highlight this part of the armour, and it's finished. About the shirt, a simple Black basecoat and grey highlights