126 - Bombur! (tutorial)

Mae govannen, mellon nín! Here we are with another dwarf from Thorin Oakenshield's Company! This time I present Bombur. All these miniatures from the Escape from Goblin Town box set are sculpted in plastic, so this one isn't any different. This guy was a fun painting session and it gave me an opportunity to use some metallic colours that I usually don't get to use (the bronze and copper toned paints). Without further ado, let's get to what matters here. Assembled and unprimed miniature of Bombur. Who is Bombur? " Bombur was one of the Dwarves of Thorin's company who journeyed to Erebor to challenge the dragon Smaug. Bombur's distinguishing characteristic was his size, for he was the fattest of the thirteen Dwarves. After the death of Smaug, Bombur lived at the Lonely Mountain. Bombur was one of the four Dwarves in the fifth group to arrive at Bag End. When Bilbo jerked open his door the four fell on top of one another, with Thorin on the bottom and fat B...